Thursday, December 4, 2008

Unusual Month

People have asked me why I haven't written much this past month (and my mom keeps asking why I haven't emailed) and I kept saying I was busy but tonight I decided to make a list of what happened this month to see how busy it was. Here are the results:

25 hrs sitting in hospital with people
11 services including 3 out of town, 2 funerals, 1 wedding and 1 baptism
2 Bible studies
2 theology reading group meetings
student referendum
1 pool and pizza party
1 potluck
1 turkey dinner for 400 students
250 campus care parcels collected, sorted, and distributed to students
220 little Christmas treat bags for residence students assembled and distributed
Peter Erb's visit including his 3 talks and 2 dinner parties with him and Betty
1 talk at the public library
2 trips to Calgary
and a whole bunch of meetings, coffees with folks, emails, shopping, photocopying, and general admin stuff

I'm tired but boy I am having fun! And if it wasn't for a huge crew of volunteers this wouldn't have all happened. I am truly blessed in my ministry by wonderful people.

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