Ten days ago my friend Paul was in a really serious car accident and I'm going up to Calgary to see him today. Paul is Jewish and claims to be an atheist but many of us have told him often that he is actually having a tift with the God he claims not to believe in. In any case, he made me promise years ago that I would never pray for him. So the question is, can I be held to this promise under these circumstances? I've been really distressed about the accident and so it seems normal to pray about it but I've been very aware of the promise and have tried hard to honour it. When my parish asked if they could pray for him I told them to pray for the nurses who have to look after him. In any case I'm using the occasion of his being too weak to thump me to have some fun. I'm taking these delightful items up to him to bring him comfort.
now those are some props & liturgical helps that everyone should have in their travel kit...
I hope the holy water isn't from Park Lake. Then he'd have real problems.
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