Sunday, August 19, 2007

Friends from the north

One of the hardest things about chaplaincy is that you get to meet really great students and become friends and then they graduate and move away. One of the things I love about the summer is that students come back and visit. I got to see Kris who is now teaching college and Frank who is at grad school. Sarah and Nathan have been back all week visiting from Iqaluit where they are now teaching. Sarah came out and helped us out with VBS and today we got together for breakfast. We had some interesting conversations about their experiences living up north. And like always we also talked about God and faith and books and music and art. I miss them a lot.

1 comment:

Tim Chesterton said...

Iqaluit! I spent seven years in the Arctic, four in Aklavik and three in Holman. My friend Ken Sykes teaches in Iqaluit, so I hear some of the news.